August 18, 2009

Trust (video link)

He walked with a heavy limp and relied upon his cane all the time. A motorcycle accident in his youth had left him like this. But he taught me me something I will never forget; the following verse from the Bible.

Ps 20:77 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses, But we trust the name of Yahweh our God. WEB

I was down and discouraged and he quoted this passage from the Psalms to me. I was like a thunderbolt and in that instant I knew that I had been trusting in myself instead of God. When I saw this video, I was reminded of my friend and it was a source of no small comfort. Yet, at the same time sorrow filled my heart; why, because this video is banned in some states. It is sad when God is left out of the picture, and dangerous too. Pass this link along to everyone you know, in order that we all might remember where to place our trust.