May 15, 2013

From Gary... Prophecy, a bottle-tree and a best friend

Yesterday, after doing my daily post, I showed Elizabeth (one of my granddaughters) the post and with it the embedded video's.  She had never seen O BROTHER, where art thou? So, after some rummaging  I finally found the DVD and we watched all of it.  Odd, but funny movie.  I remember that it had in it a fulfilled prophecy of the three sojourners seeing a cow, perched on a corn-crib and thought: how strange!!!  But, life is chock-full of surprises and yesterday was no exception.  Towards evening, Lizzie and I went for a walk with our cameras.  As we left the development and started walking on Wilds road, we saw the first picture- I had never seen one of these before, but to Lizzie, it was "no big deal".  Then we continued our stroll to the neighboring park and took many pictures (some ordinary and others- no-so-much).  On the beginning of our return home, we met some friends. .  Merlin is from Vermont and a very, very friendly person. And he had his friendly little dog Elvis with him as well.  You see, Elvis is a friend of "our dog" Buddy.  Most of the time, Buddy is extremely aggressive towards other canines, regardless of size.  But with Elvis, he acts as friendly as he does with the human masters that he thinks he owns.  I wonder how Buddy really thinks about Elvis as a friend- because it is obvious that Elvis is his BEST FRIEND!!!  If you were to ask me who my best friend is (besides my wife of course), I would tell you that it is Jesus.  But friendship is a reciprocal thing, with give and take on both sides.  The following verse explains what I mean...

John, Chapter 15
 12  “This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you.   13  Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.   14  You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you. 

Love, brotherly love, is a wonderful thing.  My elder brother Jesus wants me to love, really love- Not only God, but others who love God as well.  Easy most of the time, but a at others- one very tall order!!!  Yet, Jesus didn't just talk the talk- he died a miserable, humiliating,  painful death to prove that love.  And when we see him at last, it won't be some odd-ball thing like a bottle tree, but rather the sight of an old friend who knows that we care about HIM too!!!  Can't wait!!!  Humm, I wonder if there will be cameras in heaven???

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