July 4, 2013

From Bill and Laura Dayton... School is Out, or is it?

School is Out, or is it? 
Most children are out of school for the summer. They have put their books, pens, pencils away for a couple of months. They can put their brains to rest for a little while. But, here is a question, do we ever stop learning? There are certain things that only our school system can teach our children. Math, History, English...to name a few. As Parents our “school year” is 24/7 365 days a year. We teach our children what they do not learn in school. Here is a list of ten things we as parents need to be teaching our children every day:
1. That they are the special creation of God. (Gen. 1:26, Gen. 2:7).

There is value and purpose to life (Rom. 12:1-5; 2 Tim. 1:9).

To love the word of God (Ps. 119:11; 105).

Respect for authority (Prov. 1:8; 5:7).

The value of discipline (Prov. 23:13; (Prov. 22:15).

To avoid bad people (Prov. 4:14-16).

The importance of sexual purity (Prov. 6:24; 7:4-23).

The value of honesty (Prov. 11:1, 6, 28:6; 21:23; 19:1; 15:2).

The value of a peaceful home-life (Prov. 17:1; 14; 22:6).

To be faithful in their service to God (1 Cor. 4:2; Matt. 6:33).

As parents we would not let our children neglect their school work. How much more do we need to teach our children these principles from God’s Holy Word? When the report card comes home will we pass from this life to the next, or fail and spend an eternity with those who have dropped out of God’s School of learning?                  

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