July 3, 2013

From Bill and Laura Dayton... WHOSE LIVING IN YOUR HOUSE?


By God’s grace we have all been given places of our own that we can call HOME! As Christians, God expects us to claim them as places where HIS Word, HIS ways, and HIS will are respected. For many who live with unbelieving family members this is a very difficult task. Nevertheless, God does give us His authority to demand some standards that will keep Satan and his influence under control.
The Word of God has some good advice for those of us struggling with rebellion under our roof. There is a sense in which we must love and encourage those we love towards improvement. However there comes a point when our patient love becomes more of a license to do evil. This has become a dominant theme in our culture. Proverbs 17:15 gives us a warning about going too far in accepting sin and evil in our homes. “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, BOTH OF THEM alike are an abomination to the Lord.” Let’s just get real about sin shall we? Our world is too busy blaming mom and dad, economy, race, etc. for evil behavior. God says there is no justification! NONE! In a way this is good news because when a person realizes where the buck stops so to speak, he then is free to decide who he will be and who he will follow.
Let’s continue to pray that God blesses our homes with faith, hope and love where His peace rules!

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