August 7, 2013

From Gary... Lessons in perspective

Thank you Elizabeth for taking this wonderful picture and allowing me to use it!!!!

Elizabeth is my granddaughter; someone whose "eye" for perspective is pretty amazing, considering her youth!!!  I was enthralled at this picture because it really does view things from a different angle.  I wonder how many of us would have thought of actually getting down on the ground and looking up to take a snapshot?  Now, apply this to people along with The Bible and this verse from Paul's letter to the Romans comes to mind....

Romans, Chapter 12
 16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Don’t set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Don’t be wise in your own conceits.  

In the early eighties, we lived in Gloversville, New York and when I was between churches, so I took a job as a night guard at a local manufacturing plant.  My shift was 4 to 12, but after about 8 p.m. there were only a couple of people in the building.  Myself and another employee (a maintenance man) who for the sake of identification I will call Tony (not his real name).  After some weeks we became friends and he agreed to study the Bible with me on his lunchbreak.  He was not blessed with a great education and found considerable difficulty in reading his Bible, (I don't remember which version it was) so I thought I would help by getting him an Easy-To-Read version.  BAD MOVE!!!!!  Even though I explained that I was trying to make things easier for him, he was insulted and stopped studying altogether.  After about a year he started talking to me again, but it was never the same- I had unwittingly hurt him and the damage could not be undone. Even after thirty years, I still recall this episode with regret. I had no idea that Tony would take such offence, but because of this situation, the passage from Romans means a lot to me.  Tony thought (I guess) that I was looking down on him, when in reality, I was just trying to help him look UP!!!  Christians are to care for those around them in humility and not seek notoriety or superiority over others.  We don't always know what is best for others and should always take the "low road" of a servant.  I guess that is why I like the picture so much- it reminds me that I should be looking up at other and not DOWN AT THEM!!!  You can learn a lot from flowers- and even your neighborhood buzzing insect.  Something to think about on a hot summers day!!!  LORD, help me to apply this Bible verse, beginning with right now!!!!

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