August 25, 2014

From Gary... Old and new


You would think by the time I had reached retirement age, I would have seen everything- but NO, here is something NEW!!!  But then again, its not new at all, it is old.  My guess is about 1900, but I am probably wrong on this.  If anyone out there knows when this was popular, please tell me, OK?  What caught my eye was that it is a bicycle designed for three. Nothing fancy, not even gears, it does have something unusual going for it though, namely, TOGETHERNESS!!!  That a couple would even think of purchasing something like this says a lot about their concept of FAMILY!!! And the concept of FAMILY appears to be a dying one.  Why, I wonder?  Love, sharing, caring for one another and raising children together in a God-fearing home are all good things.  Marriage was instituted by God, and for thousands and thousands of years it has worked very well- why change?  There is no obvious answer, except maybe the following...
Jeremiah 6:16 NASB
(16)  Thus says the LORD, "Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way is, and walk in it; And you will find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'

Today, same-sex marriages, living together without the commitment of marriage (used to be called a shack-up) and even polygamy are on the rise.  Why? Someone far more intelligent than I could justifiably devote a book to the subject, so don't think I have all the answers, but I do have a few ideas.  First, I blame the media.  Hollywood has glorified every sort of ungodly attitude out there!!!  Think I am wrong... find me an equivalent to "Father knows best" or "The Waltons" today.  And TV shows made today are just as bad!!!  SIN SELLS and its increase is directly do to the greed of those who program the media in order to just make more money.  Another factor is church.  Many churches out there have replaced Bible centered teaching with an emphasis on teaching that makes you "feel good".  Sin has almost become a forgotten word in some places.  And accountability for ones actions... well, I think you know the status of that one.  A country that honors God at the individual level will also do it on a national one. If God (and HIS divine word) are rejected, then over time that society will ultimately crumble. I really like the first part of the Jeremiah passage above, but the second part is a tragedy.  Want to know why marriage is on the decline- its all about ATTITUDE and things will only change when our ATTITUDE TOWARDS GOD AND OUR OBEDIENCE TO HIS WORD DOES!!! And change begins one person at a time- BE THAT PERSON!!!!

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