November 1, 2014



I don't know what's going on down in Houston but I know God does! I hear preaching people are going to have to submit what they say to government scrutiny [soon the rank and file might well have to do the same]. 
What's new? Is this not part of the history of faith filled believers [OT & NT]?
Should we protest this nonsense? Why not—isn't this a democracy?
Should we panic about it? Why? Didn't our now resurrected, triumphant and glorified Lord Jesus leave us an example that we should follow in his steps? 
Didn't he say it should be no surprise if "the world" [corrupt officialdom and anti-God, anti-life structures] hates his followers since it hated him? 
Didn't they stand him in front of religious and political leaders in that ugly way of scrutinizing?
Should we tell God about all that's happening? Why not—isn't that prayer?
Should we pretend we're pleased that blind leaders lead the blind into national and cultural ditches or that in some parts of the world brutal leaders torment those that are the salt of the earth?
Why should we?

But we can all easily recall that sly/ignorant political bosses told a man to quit praying or else and he went on praying

—as usual. Lions or no lions!
We can all easily recall that "a supreme court" ordered some fellows to quit preaching what they were preaching and even beat them up a bit. These believers instead of whimpering about loss of "rights" said: "The decision to obey you or God is a no-brainer to us—it should be a no-brainer to you also. We'll continue to preach—we can't help it."

You'll remember who they talked to when they got back home and among their own. You'll remember how they viewed the beating. You'll remember that they said to God: "We see your hand in all of this and glad to participate in Jesus Christ."

I'd hate it down into my gut if authorities were tormenting my children and dear friends but if it was because they were holding fast to the gospel of the glorious God I'd be comforted with a comfort that is not available to the millions who are tormented and know no gospel that could comfort them.
God bless all those throughout the world that gospel in a costly way and in that way become the aroma of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Holy One, we pray that you empower such brothers and sisters and give them reason to rejoice knowing what they're doing in your name for for the untold but watching millions.

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