April 17, 2015

From Jim McGuiggan... A LUCKY BREAK---YEAH RIGHT!


Today's BBC news (10th Oct-09). UK's chief medical officer announced that the UK has got a "lucky break" regarding swine flu.
The numbers infected in Scotland are down, the rise in England is not what they feared, those that are contracting swine flu suffer mild distress and the very very few poor people that have died who were diagnosed as having swine flu were already having difficulty living because of underlying serious health problems. Two people in total are said to have died who did not have underlying health problems.
Not a word from the Minister about the alarmist announcements from officials of WHO and UK medical bosses. ("Millions could die"; "Remember what this flu did in 1918"; "We have emergency arrangements in place for the expected flood of victims having to be hospitalized"; "We should close the schools!"; "Don't travel and don't use public transport unless you have to." "We're well prepared for the coming pandemic"; "We have purchased 60 million doses of the [untested] vaccine"; and on and on and on.)
So what now? It was all hype and the figures say so and have always said so. So what now? The Minister tells us we've been lucky and this gives us time to better prepare to complete the vaccination of millions.
Good grief!
They can't be stopped! The pharmaceutical companies with their allies in the CDC and WHO keep stirring it up, nobody admits with a sheepish look; "Yeah, we hyped it out of all proportion again, didn't we?!"
And the public and the tax-payer get it in the neck while trying to keep their heads above the economic water because no one in power is willing to admit they've blundered again.

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.
Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, theabidingword.com.

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