August 25, 2015

From Jim McGuiggan... Enough about what WE'RE doing

Enough about what WE'RE doing

What Christians do must be personal—that is, our faith must be ours. Just the same, at their best, Christian attitudes, behaviour, worship and ordinances are more than personal responses to God—their existence and shape reflect God at work; they reflect his presence, heart and purposes.
Again, at their best, their treatment of each other and people in general, their confession, liturgy and ordinances, their hope and praise and scriptures are a conscious claim that they see themselves as "the body of Jesus Christ".
The Spirit of God through scripture and life shapes the church so that it profiles Jesus who is the image of the invisible God. This means that what we see is not only our human response but God's self-witness that what he purposed and is bringing to completion in Jesus Christ is underway and will be fulfilled.
This means that Christian existence, life and worship is not just about us; it's about God who has come to the human family in and as Jesus Christ.
What a sight we'd have seen from a high vantage point looking down into the wilderness where Israel was camped. There's a central large tent around which is a circle of tents and then outside those there are tents on all four sides of the central tent. There are twelve tribes in formation, three tribes at each point of the compass.
This is harmony and form in the wilderness—defying the chaos
This is a people in the wilderness—living as a community
This is personal response to God's leading—noting but defying hardship
This is a nation going through the wilderness—on their way home
This is God making his presence known in the wilderness—claiming Lordship
On their way home they tell people around them that they would like their help and company and: "If you come with us we will share with you whatever good things the Lord gives us." See Numbers 10:29-32.
So it was and so it is!

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