September 1, 2015

From Jim McGuiggan... An Answer

An Answer

This Is An Answer?
It was George Bernard Shaw who sympathised with Job when he thought God bullied him. GB said Job asked perfectly reasonable questions and instead of giving Job an explanation God told him to quit complaining because he was God and could create a hippopotamus. That's an answer? What a rip-off!
Jeremiah was driven mad by the corruption in his land and agreed to proclaim coming judgement if they didn't turn from it. He kept preaching but God's judgement was nowhere in sight and the prophet asked for an explanation. "If you think it's bad now," God says, "wait until later. It's going to get worse." That's an answer? What a rip-off!
Habakkuk stung nearly insane by hordes of successful and vicious gangsters wants to know what God is going to do about it and God says he is going to bring in bigger, more vicious gangsters "Look at the nations and watch." (1:5) That's an answer? What a rip-off!
"So, Governor, what are you going to do to clean up the corruption in City Hall?" "I'm going to bring in officials more corrupt and more powerful. Look at the ranks of organised crime and watch." And if we asked the Prime Minister what he would do to rid 10 Downing Street of corruption and he told us he would bring in ministers more bent and brutal--how would that sit with us? Or if we asked the governing board at a bank what it was going to do about the brutal predators on its staff what would we think if the cure was to be hiring officials more predatory and brutal?
And while Thelma Atkins and her kids live in a stink-filled basement under the heel of a seedy, sleazy, gutless gangster of a landlord God answers her endless pleas with what? And the trembling children who lie in the dark waiting for a door to open and unmentionable things to begin, again, what will God's answer be to their inner screaming for help?
You say you have no idea why sensitive people look heavenward and wonder? What a rip-off!
©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

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