May 19, 2017

Panic or confidence by Gary Rose

Things happen, and not all of them are good things- in fact, some things are downright terrible. Sickness, loss of a job or a loved one can make you feel depressed. But, take heart and DON'T PANIC- God is in control!!!

The apostle Paul writes to the Romans...

Romans, Chapter 8 (World English Bible)
  28 We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Really, EVERYTHING???? Yes, everything!!! Hard to believe, maybe- but its true. In high school, I dislocated my left knee (patella) twice and spent the better part of two years on crutches. The upside was Linda carried my books and we eventually married. Several years later, I dislocated my knee again, when I jumped into my Mother-in-laws pool. I almost drowned, but Linda jumped in and pulled me out- even though she couldn't swim. Still later, I lost my job at Norton Co, only to find a much better one latter. These are but a few instances of the many times that bad things had positive results in my life.
Understanding this passage in Romans has helped me overcome obstacles that would have otherwise crushed my life. In Christ I have hope and confidence that whatever happens to me will eventually have a positive effect. I hope you will come to appreciate it as much as I have.
PS. Patella dislocation is extremely painful, but consider that when a person is crucified eventually every time a breath is taken both shoulder joints are dislocated. Needless to say, it helped me understand the pain that Jesus went through on the cross!!! 

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