January 16, 2019

The atheist is right by Jim McGuiggan


The atheist is right

Atheist Sam Harris is right, if we can just transform these Christian types into atheists, or at least into non-Christian and non-religious people, we could get government leaders who would further the best in medical research, who’d follow only peace and who would be serious in their attempts to shape the world for the better. There’s no doubt about it that the Christian faith (and its ancient parent, and midwife, OT faith) is and has always been humanity’s enemy. That's why, in a recent well-written Newsweek piece, he warns the world against Christian type voters and would like to produce a religionless world and government.

Sam is right, if we could just get rid of Christian voters and government leaders and get atheists, given time the world would become paradise. You only have to look at how those Christians, like Stalin and Pol Pot and Mao Tse Tung have affected the world to see how right Sam is. And you might remember what happened when Christian principles were sincerely followed in the Gulag of Russia and in the medical research done by that Christian guy, Josef Mengele, and his practicing Christian colleagues at Auschwitz. You can rest assured that if Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and Mengele had been active atheists we’d have a different and more wonderful world right now.
Or am I missing something?

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