February 15, 2019

Fruit of the Spirit (Part 3) Joy and Peace by Ben Fronczek


Fruit of the Spirit (Part 3) Joy and Peace

Fruit of the Spirit (Part 3) Joy and Peace
Galatians 5 says that the fruit of the Spirit is “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. As I thought about this verse this past week, I realized that something is wrong.
What I mean is this. If we walk in that Spirit as these verses encourage, a natural by product of doing so should be having and experience JOY and PEACE… both of which are a state of mind and personal well being.
But unfortunately that is not what I see in very many who call themselves a Christian. Over the years I have observed Christians who are always seem to be sad and depressed; Christians who always seem to be complaining about something. There have been those who are argumentative, short tempered, some even plot against others. Some ignore others in the church, if not worst.
Quite frankly, in all the years I have been a Christian, I can think of only a handful of members who I would consider truly joyous and at peace.
So either God’s word is not true here, or there is something terribly wrong with too many of us who call our self a Christian but fail to experience these attributes on a regular basis.
About now you may be thinking, ‘Oh no, not another one of those sermons that make me feel bad about myself and guilty.’
No, I don’t want to do that, rather, I want you to leave here today equipped with the tools you need to have the level of joy and peace that God wants you to have as you live your life out in this crazy world.
As a parent it saddens me when I see my kids sad and depressed, spiteful and angry. Don’t you think God feels the same?
So what’s the problem? Why are so many of us missing out on this kind of joy and peace. I’ve linked these two together because I believe that joy and peace go together hand in hand.
The kind of joy that we are talking about here is not the kind of joy or happy feeling we have or get when someone gives us a gift, or when we have a dish or our favorite ice cream. It’s much deeper. I read where someone said, that this kind of joy is an outward expression of our inner peace. It is the kind of joy that wells up from the deep inner spring of the spirit filled life even during times of persecution, affliction, or not so favorable circumstances.
We are not talking about a giggle or pasting on a smile but rather an overall happy state of being that comes from knowing and trusting in our awesome God.
The peace we are talking about is not simply the absence of trouble, anxiety and worry, rather it is the serenity that comes from right living with our God and with other individuals. Our relationship with God and others actually should become the foundation for inner peace.
Now that I have given a brief definition of the kind of Joy and Peace Paul is writing about here, that we should be enjoying… What’s the problem?
Why are there so many cranky, miserable, depressed and sad Christians?
In my reading I came across a statement worth repeating: “An unhappy Christian is a contradiction.” How many of you would agree with that?
If you think about it, we have been redeemed, born again, given a 2nd chance before God. We are now called God’s sons and daughters, having been adopted by Him. We are co-heirs of God’s heavenly realm along with Jesus. In other words we have been promised to share in all that the Kingdom of God has to offer. Jesus told us that He has gone on ahead of us to prepare a place for us and will one day return. In the mean time God’s Spirit has entered us to help us grow and mature. God hears our prayers and answers them in a way that’s best and according to His overall plan. He has unseen angels watching over us. We have been promised a new and glorious body when this one finally wears out… and so much more.
If any people have a reason to be happy and joy filled and be at peace inside, Christian should more than anyone else. So what has happened?
I believe that somehow the devil has won some victories by getting too many of us to focus more on our self, what we want, what we think, and what we feel is right for us, causing us to ignore or forget that God has a better way.
We know that we should be experiencing this joy and this peace, we even long for it. Recently my wife showed me that Google has reported that a search of how to be happy has increase 180% since 2005.
As I thought about this I believe God helped me realize that having this Joy and this peace comes down to what, or who we are going to depend on to give us this joy and peace. Some of depend on the wrong things, for example:
– Should you going to base your over all joy on what you possess? Do you expect having certain things will give you lasting joy and peace? How many possessions will it take to give you this lasting Joy and Peace in your spirit? Will a big bank account or winning the lottery give you lasting joy and peace? Will building a new house or getting a new car, or new furniture, or new boat or camper, or clothes. Will any of those things give you lasting Joy and peace? They may make you happy for a little while, but will it last?
What happen if that house burns down and your new car and boat is in the garage, and your new furniture and new clothes are in the house? Are you doomed to a life of sadness until your buy replacements?
– Or should you expect having a relationship with certain people will give you lasting joy and peace? How many of you’ve said, “If only I get married, if I marry so and so I will be so happy.” And then you get married and three years later you wonder, ‘What was I thinking?’
Do you think you will have true and lasting happiness, joy and peace of mind because you have a good relationship with a certain person, a man, a woman, a friend, a son or daughter, a friend? Yes we can and should enjoy these kinds of relationships, but to base or center our life on them…I don’t thinks so. What about those who can’t find a significant other and never get married? Are they doomed to a life without joy and peace? What if you can’t have a child, or if you have one and later he dies? Are you doomed to life a misery and everlasting sadness?
Yes it’s nice, even wonderful to have a spouse, children, good friends, but what happens if that person lets you down? If you haven’t figured it out all ready, sooner or later people are going to let you down.
– Or what about getting or having that dream job or career? Should you depend on that to give you lasting Joy and peace of mind?   Well then what happens if you don’t get that dream job or the career you went to school for? Are you doomed to live a life without joy and peace? See where I’m going?
I believe all to often what we want, what we think, and what we feel isn’t the best choice if we want to find this special kind of Joy and peace… that is unless you want a better relationship with God, unless you seek to think and feel like He thinks and feels about thingsThat’s what walking in the Spirit is all about.
I am convinced that if we want the kind of peace and joy that Paul talks about here, having an intimate relationship with our Lord is the best way, maybe the only way we are going to have it. We need to believe and have faith in Him and know that He loves us, and cares for us, and helps us, and wants us to live with Him in Glory forever, AMEN.
I believe this is why the Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians telling them, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Why do I believe there are so many miserable, depressed, sad, cranky, even mean Christians? Because they are building their house, their life on the wrong foundations, on the wrong things. Rather than basing their mental health on what can truly give them joy and peace, far too many of us Christians run after what WE want, what WE think, and what WE feel is right for us, only to be disappointed over and over, and over.
Paul said, “Rejoice (not in what you have rather rejoice) in the Lord”. He also said if you want this peace that transcends all understanding, He said, ‘don’t fret or be anxious about anything, instead turn it over to God, thank Him, and He will guard you heart and mind because of Jesus.’ Can your job, your bank account or your house do that for you? Of course not.
I don’t believe that there is anything or anyone else in this whole world that can make that promise like this and keep it.
Do you want peace of mind, do you want some harmony in your life?
Do you want to be happy. Listen to a few other suggestions Paul makes here in this context.: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” NIV   If you do right and think right God will bless you with peace!
Do you what these fruits or not? Do you what them to be evident in your life, so much so people wonder how and why you can handle hard stuff so well?
Deny yourself. Sometimes you have to deny what you want or just feel like doing and you have to take up your cross (whatever that may be) and follow Jesus.
Choose to keep in step with His Spirit.
Trust Him. Put all your hope in Him.
Develop a closer personal relationship with Him. Talk to Him throughout the day, everyday.
Court and fall in to love Him.
Depend on Him and His direction for your life.
Make a commitment to do what He says even if you don’t understand or want to, or feel like it at the time. Believe His will is a better way.
Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding and I believe you will eventually see these fruit in your life, including a deep underlying joy and sense of peace. That’s His Promise.
For more lessons click on the following link: http://granvillenychurchofchrist.org/?page_id=566
All comments can be emailed to: bfronzek@gmail.com

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