July 24, 2019

Teachings of Jesus (Part 19) Hypocrisy by Ben Fronczek


Teachings of Jesus (Part 19) Hypocrisy

How good are you at heeding warnings?
You may say that it depends on what the warning is and the one giving it.
If a child came up to you and warned you about the danger of talking on your cell phone while driving you might smile and not heed their warning as much as a police officer pounding on our door here telling us to get out because the building is on fire.
Some warnings seem somewhat insignificant while others can be life saving if we heed them. You will hear all kinds of warnings in life, but I don’t think there will ever be any as important as those that have to do with our spiritual well being and future, especially if they come from God Himself. But unfortunately we don’t heed them like we should.
In the Gospel of Luke chapter 12, and in the beginning of 13, Jesus continues to warn the people about some very important matters. There are at least seven things He warns them about. And rather than briefly mentioning them here this morning, I would rather take time over the next few weeks to talk about them more thoroughly. Why? Because they are things that the Son of God, Jesus, wants us to see, understand and warn us about.
Before we look at the first warning let me ask you this; ‘How many like or appreciate people who are phony or real hypocrites when in our presence.’ Most of us know what a hypocrite is. It is when one pretends to be someone or something that they really aren’t, usually for their own benefit. Really it’s a form of deception and fundamentally it’s a form of lying about one’s self. Sometimes it entails wanting or even demanding a certain behavior in others, that the hypocrite refuses to do himself. It’s like a diet and nutrition guru who teaches others good eating habits yet cheats himself by eating all kinds of junk food daily. Or like the politician who expects you and me to pay our taxes on time, yet cheats on or doesn’t even pay their own. (We don’t like that)
In the preceding context, at the end of Luke chapter 11, Jesus verbally slaps the Jewish Pharisees and teacher of the Law. You see, even though those guys wanted to come across as being holy and righteous, and the most religious Jews of their time, Jesus lets them all know that they are wicked, greedy, foolish, unmerciful, stingy, stifling, and overbearing.
He instead lets them know that they should be more generous, helpful, just and more loving.
In Matthews 23, we read where Jesus also warns the people about these Pharisees and teachers. Six times He calls them Hypocrites. He also calls them, ‘blind guides, a brood of vipers, He even said that they are like white washed tombs that look nice on the outside but are full of bead men’s bones.
And I can see why the final verse in Luke 11 says that’s when those men began to oppose He fiercely, and look for a way to trap Him in His words.
This sets the stage for warning that Jesus gives the people in Luke 12-13..
The first warning in 12:1 is, “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.”
1. First of all we need to recognizing what hypocrisy is — Jesus compared it to yeast or leaven — something every Jew would associate with sin & evil. During many of their holidays such as Passover, they had to get rid of all their yeast. Even the show bread that was placed in the temple each day was to be made without yeast.   Leaven or yeast has a pervasive effect and was therefore a good illustration of the influence of hypocrisy. In other words it has an effect on everything it comes in contact with. The Apostle Paul also used leaven to symbolize sin when in I Corinthian 5 he talked about sin in their church and how like yeast, sin if it is not dealt with, it will work through the whole batch of doe. Like yeast, hypocrisy starts very small but it’s effects can grow and spreads quickly. And once a person begins to pretend about who they are, that pretending can increases to a point where the person does not even know who they are anymore. They can get carried away with it and act like someone they are not and even demand things from others that they themselves will not do
One way to keep hypocrisy at bay is not to ignore it, but to uncover Hypocrisy for what it really is. To pretend in this manner is a lie — and to lie is to sin. And according to Rev 21:8 the eventual home of habitual liars will be the fiery lake of burning sulfur, called the 2nd death.
So #1 we need to recognize hypocrisy for what it is… and                              #2. is for us to realize that Hypocrisy is really foolish and futile…. No one can pretend forever. The mask will eventually come off.
Scripture says the lies of the hypocrite will one day be exposed
And we must never forget that there is someone who is not fooled at all by our Oscar winning performances…. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:13, “NOTHING IN ALL CREATION IS HIDDEN FORM GOD’S SIGHT. EVERYTHING IS UNCOVERED AND LAID BARE BEFORE THE EYES OF HIM TO WHOM WE MUST GIVE AN ACCOUNT…” Pretending to be something we are not may fool some, but it never fools God – He knows exactly who you are. So its fool hardy to pretend in the 1st place Mnay people will see right through it as well..
#3. A 3rd way to keep hypocrisy out of our lives is for us to realize that fearing what other think of us and what they can do is nothing compare to what God will do if you do not act the way you should. 4-7 it says, “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him. Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Jesus alludes to fear 5 times in these verses. And what He is teaching is that the basic reason for hypocrisy, or lying about one’s self, is a fear of others, what others think, and what they may do to you if they find out who you are and what you are really like. When we are afraid of what others think some simply choose to pretend to be something else to gain approval.
The Pharisees and Scribes in Jesus’ day were more concerned about their reputation than their character. They were more concerned about what people thought about them than what God knew about them.
Proverbs 29:25 says, “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.”
Jesus is basically saying that the remedy for hypocrisy is to ignore what people may say, think or do, rather we need to trust in, and fear God!
A healthy fear of God can help cure these kinds of fears.
The worst that any man can do is kill the body and after that he can do no more. But God can condemn your very soul to hell — He is the final judge. He can do to us what no one else can do. And I can’t think of anything worst than being rejected by Him and being cast out of His presence and into hell.
Therefore it is only more logical to fear God than anyone else. It’s more logical to be concerned about what God thinks about us and our behavior than what anyone else thinks about it.
But we also need to remember that God doesn’t really want to throw any of us into hell, He love us. We are His children. Jesus said that God cares and is mindful of every sparrow — we are of greater value to Him — so don’t worry about what others think.
HE goes on to say, “I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God.” Are you embarrassed when the topic of Jesus comes up in a conversation? We should be proud of who we are and not hide our identity of being a Christian; that is of course as long as you are not being a hypocrite, and your behavior is not Christ-like.
Jesus’ first warning here is to beware of the dangerous effect of hypocrisy – how it can fester and spread. We need to remember that it is a sin, and just as embarrassing as it is to be found out by others, remember that one day all mask will come off for all to see and the real you will be exposed.
We also need to remember that there is someone who knows everything about you…EVERYTHING… even how many hairs are on your head.
 Fear what He can do, and don’t worry about others think. Make a decision to be true to God, true to yourself and true to others.
This will help keep hypocrisy out of your lives.
For more lessons click on the following link: http://granvillenychurchofchrist.org/?page_id=566
All comments can be emailed to: bfronzek@gmail.com

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