March 6, 2020

Now, the rest of the story by Gary Rose

If I were the devil by Paul Harvey

( right click to open the hyperlink or paste the link into your browser)

Watch the video, think about it and ask yourself the question: Hasn’t all of this come true; and then some? I always enjoyed listening to Paul Harvey. I enjoyed the way he spoke and especially the direct, concise and meaningful things he had to say. I miss him, but there are others out there like Rush Limbaugh and judge Jeanine Pirro who convey his conservative message almost as well. One thing they do not do is begin their message with “the rest of the story”.

In my opinion, everything that he said has come true and even more. Recently, a friend of mine had a dream. In that dream he was a whistle-blower concerning a high level Satanic meeting. Satan had called the most prominent of his minions, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. He was congratulating them of the “fine” work they had done in collaborating with Russia to finally defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. What they had accomplished was the most deceptive, the most devious and successful campaign of evil ever and he wanted to praise them for their efforts. Their rewards were to be: Joe Biden was to become the President of the United States, Nancy Pelosi was to resume her role as leader of the house (with a new 20 year term) and Bernie Sanders is to become the absolute head of all things relating to health and wealth. Hillary Clinton was to be the Vice-President (for a little while).

Now, for the rest of the story- The four year plan for the future.
Year one: confiscate all weapons in the hands of the population; anything that a person could use to defend themselves- guns, knives, axes… . Make service in the armed forces mandatory. Increase the size of the military to five million.

Year two: Modify the health care system to refuse all benefits to anyone who is not a member of Democratic party or over the age of 50. Newborns must pass genetic testing or be eliminated. Seventy five is to be the mandatory age for euthanasia for the general population, but those belonging to the Democratic party may live until 80, party leaders may live until 100.

Year three: Eliminate free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion.

Year four: Establish a new state religion: Satanism. Outlaw every other religion. Imprison and then execute every Christian without exception.

Hillary Clinton is then given the final part of her reward: She ousts Joe Biden due to age and infirmaries and becomes absolute dictator for life. She pardons Joe Biden of the many crimes he has committed, but he is so depressed that he commits suicide by shooting himself in the back of his head with a 12 gauge shotgun (while his hands are tied behind his back). Satan smiles gleefully and says to Hillary: Now, we can get down to the real work – Start by making alliances with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Together we will conquer the world under my banner:

begin by the total destruction of the middle east.

And then my friend woke up.
The following Scripture is true:

1 Peter 5 ( World English Bible )
 [8]  Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

While much of the above is obviously just a dream, it could happen. Think about it and vote in the upcoming election (while you still can)!

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