September 30, 2020

The real power in this election by Gary Rose

Last night’s debate only lacked punches in order to be classified as a bar room brawl. Frankly, it was the worst “debate” I have ever seen. All parties failed; the moderator, the president and the former vice president. Rudeness abounded. Decorum could not be found. Everyone deserves blame. While I think the president was more forceful and made quite a number of significant points, no one really WON last nights debate, the nation lost.

In a way, I should not be surprised, for our nation has become more and more polarized since Barack Hussein Obama was elected president. The left has gone to the extreme left and the right has become more polarized as well.

Frankly, I do not blame president Donald Trump for being so combative, for he has been unmercifully attacked even before becoming president. In my opinion, there was an attempted coup against his presidency as well. And the continued biased attacks of the leftist media would have made any reasonable person combative. It is amazing to me that he has accomplished all that he has while under all this pressure. Therefore, I understand somewhat his attitude, but- this debate was an awful thing to watch.

The remaining debates (if in fact they happen at all) will probably be a free-for-all as well. All in all, they will be a waste of time, because in my view they are irrelevant. Why? Because the left will never really say what they want for our country. In a word – COMMUNISM .

The Democratic party hopes Joe Biden will win and will try to use false ballots to accomplish this goal. If by some trickery Joe does win, he will not be president for long, for soon after becoming president I believe he will resign due to health reasons, for his presidency was never really the goal of the Democratic party; putting Kamala Harris in the presidency was. The left has realized that their extreme agenda will never win an election, so they put a “moderate” candidate like Joe Biden to woo centrists. Think about it... Kamala Harris as president. Scared yet?

Feeling this way about the current state of affairs, what do I do? First and foremost I must focus on the fact that God raises up and takes down nations. The U.S.A. is one of many government to rise and ultimately, how long it will last will depend upon God almighty. Second to this, it is my responsibility to pray for our government and whatever may happen to obey all laws that do not conflict with God’s will as expressed in the Bible. Third, it is my responsibility to vote as all citizens should.

The apostle Paul says to Timothy...

1 Timothy 2 ( World English Bible )

1 I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and givings of thanks, be made for all men:

2 for kings and all who are in high places; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and reverence.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;

4 who desires all people to be saved and come to full knowledge of the truth.

5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

6 who gave himself as a ransom for all; the testimony in its own times;

The apostle Paul tells us what to do – PRAY! The cowboy in the picture has the same idea: PRAY! I will, and I hope that you will as well. Encourage everyone you know to do likewise. God listens to our prayers and things change because of them.

Barack Hussein Obama was wrong – this is a Christian nation. If every Christian votes this November, things will change. More than this, if every Christian PRAYS, things will change even more!

May God bless The United States of America!


May America be the great nation is was designed to be by blessing GOD!


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