April 9, 2021

Responding to America’s Abortion Culture by Ken Weliever, The Preacherman


Responding to America’s Abortion Culture


“How do we interact in a secular world, where we often feel between a rock and the hard place?” asked Stephen, one of our regular readers.

Stephen cited two areas of concern.  The Christian’s attitude toward the sin of homosexuality and the problem of abortion.  Yesterday, we discussed the importance of applying the command to “love your neighbor” as it relates to those engaged in sinful lifestyles.  Today, we want to address to the issue of abortion.  

Our reader says that “Socially moderate Christians believe that abortion should be safe, legal, and “extremely rare” — where a key way to achieve this is public sex education and availability of contraception (especially to people in poverty). Of course, socially conservative Christians go ballistic over this approach. Scandinavian countries which do this have a fraction of the abortion rate that exists in the U.S.”

What most conservatives are opposed to, is not sex education itself, but the nature of the education!  We have discarded time-honored moral beliefs and replaced them with the modern mantra that says “practice safe sex.”  The problem today is not too little information about sex, but too much information!  Kids are bombarded  with sexual messages from movies, music, and the internet.  The people idolized today are too often fornicators, adulterers and homosexuals!  Then we wonder why classes on “safe sex” are not working!

Over 55 million children have been slaughtered on Satan’s altar of selfishness, convenience, and promiscuity. And all under the liberal guise of “a woman’s right to choose.”  I heard one woman on TV recently boast, “It’s my body!”  Really?  The Bible teaches that your body and soul belong to God who created them.  For Christians there is the realization that we’ve been bought by the blood of Jesus and should respect the body that belongs to Him.

While the Bible never directly speaks of abortion, it does identify that conceived within the mother as a child.  Twenty-six times the Bible uses the expression “with child” to refer to pregnant women. The term fetus is never used. Luke, the physician, records that Elisabeth, the mother of John the Immerser, conceived a son (1:35). In verse 41 the doctor wrote “the baby leaped in her womb.” The baby! Not the fetus! It is the same Greek word that Luke uses to describe Jesus after he was born (2:12, 16). God views the unborn baby and the newborn baby in the same way. Both are living human beings.

Stephen shared with me an article stating the shocking and sad situation in Detroit where abortion rate has reached a staggering 31% of all pregnancies.  The writer says, Decreased funding for family planning and contraceptive funding in Michigan is seen as a contributing factor: The budget fell from $5 million to $700,000 in the past seven years, leaving 80,000 people without free family-planning aid.”

Would it be insensitive of me to suggest that greater contributing factors are single women having sex outside of marriage?  Plus lust.  Pride.  And Carnality.

I agree with Stephen. It seem like we’re “between a rock and a hard place.”  Socially.  Culturally.  And Politically.

Yet for the Christian “living between two worlds,” we know our only real hope is the restoration of a Bible-based morality. Politicians are not the answer.  And enacted laws do little to sway the hearts of people.  God calls us to humble ourselves in repentance.  And prayer.

Calvin Coolidge, was right when he said, “We do not need more material development, we need more spiritual development. We do not need more intellectual power, we need more moral power. We do not need more knowledge, we need more character. We do not need more government, we need more culture. We do not need more law, we need more religion. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that are unseen.”

But instead of wringing our hands and “cursing the darkness,” we can “light candles.”  I may not be able to change things in the White House, the State House, or the Court House, but I can serve God in my house!

I may not be able to change Detroit, but I can do something about my heart.  My home.  My community.  I can be involved in my children’s activities.  Their school.  And know their friends.  I can serve in my church.  And exert my influence for good in the workplace.

I can support worthy pro-life groups.  Provide godly counsel. Donate to clinics helping pregnant women. Adopt children.  Respect life.

I can’t do everything.  But I can do something.

Oh, and the “rock and the hard place”?  God says, “Have faith.  Hold on.  There’s a better world awaiting!”

–Ken Weliever, The Preacherman

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