Scripture: Rom 15 & 16
Song: # 7
I. Introduction
A. Romans
15, a powerful chapter.
B. Realize
today there are too many bosses -
not enough slaves (WE ARE SLAVES)!
C. Realizing
others come before us is maturing
(being strong).
D. Really
strong? Are We? Dynamite power!
E. Reality
is that our strength comes from
Jesus (not ourselves)!
F. Reference
to (power and Lordship) Jesus in
“All Hail the Power of Jesus’
G. Read
each verse from the song and a
scripture along with it so we can Remember”
II. Body
A. Verse
1 Jesus: LORD (indeed) Heb 1:1-6
1 Lord
due to Son hood vs 2
2. Lord
due to Heir hood vs 3
3. Lord
due to essence vs 3
4. Lord
due to power vs 3
5. Lord
due to purification vs 3
6. Lord
due to position vs 3
7. Lord
Really? Rom 10:9
B. Verse
2 Jesus: LORD of GRACE Eph 2:8-10
1. Lord
enough to give GRACE
2. Lord
enough to SAVE you
3. Lord
enough to give you a faith system
4. Lord
enough to “re-create” you
“workmanship = poema”
C. Verse 3 Jesus:
LORD of ALL Phil 2:5-11
1. Lord
of humility
2. Lord
of servant - hood
3. Lord
of obedience
of our confession?
D. Verse 4 Jesus:
Victorious LORD
Rev 19:11-16
1. Jesus:
LORD of LORDS …. 1Tim 1:17 in song
3. Jesus:
LORD of us?
III. Conclusion
A. Jesus
the LORD, did not please Himself
B. Jesus
the LORD, IS the source of power:
notice the repetition of the song!
C. Jesus
the LORD, IS the message, the power,
and the example of Romans chap
D. Jesus is LORD; Can you say that?
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