The First Church Of Christ (2:42-47) INTRODUCTION 1. During His ministry, Jesus said He would build His church - Mt 16:18 2. With the preaching of the first gospel sermon... a. Those that gladly received the Word were baptized - Ac 2:41 b. They numbered 3000 souls - ibid. [From our text (Ac 2:42-47) we learn that thus began the first church of Jesus Christ, located in Jerusalem. What was it like? What should we be like today? Note first that they were...] I. DEVOTED TO APOSTLES' DOCTRINE (Ac 2:42) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Jesus expected people to accept their teachings - Jn 13:20; Mt 28:20 2. He gave the apostles the Holy Spirit to guide them - Jn 16:12-13 3. Thus the apostles' word was to be received as the Word of God - 1Co 14:37; 1Th 2:13-14 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. Many churches today do not, allowing societal trends to supplant the Word 2. We need to heed Christ and His apostles regarding this -
Mt 15:8-9; 2Th 2:15 [If we are to be a true church of Christ, we must emulate the Jerusalem church in its steadfastness to the apostles' doctrine. Next we note that they were...] II. DEVOTED TO SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP (Ac 2:42) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Godly people have always delighted in "spiritual sharing" -
Ps 122:1; Lk 22:14-16; 1Jn 1:3 2. Sharing by assembling together is crucial to spiritual wellbeing - He 10:24-25 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. Many Christians today do not, allowing many things to hinder their assembling 2. We need to set our priorities straight - cf. Mt 6:33; Lk 10:41-42 [A true church will be made up of members who value the principle of assembling and sharing in spiritual matters. The first church of Christ was also...] III. DEVOTED TO BREAKING BREAD (Ac 2:42) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. The context would suggest this refers to the Lord's Supper, which is a type of fellowship for it is called a sharing, a communion - 1Co 10:16 2. Jesus Himself instituted the Supper, and was observed weekly - 1Co 11:23-34; Ac 20:7 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. Sadly many churches do not, observing it monthly, quarterly, annually, or not at all 2. Others allow many things to hinder their observance: family, jobs, recreation [But a true church of Christ will provide weekly opportunities for its members to partake, and its members will make diligent effort to participate. Another aspect of a true church of Christ is being...] IV. DEVOTED TO STEADFAST PRAYER (Ac 2:42) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Jesus taught His disciples to pray and not lose heart -
Lk 11:1-4; 18:1-8 2. He now serves as our High Priest, through whom we can pray - He 4:14-16 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. We are taught to pray fervently, frequently - 1Th 5:17; Col 4:2 2. Sadly, many churches and Christians are negligent in this important spiritual activity [If we desire to be a true church of Christ, then let us be a people of prayer! As we continue in our text, we learn from the first church of Christ that they were...] V. DEVOTED TO BROTHERLY LOVE (Ac 2:44-46) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Demonstrated in our text, but also later - Ac 4:32-35 2. Such love was a sign of true discipleship - Jn 13:34-35 3. Other churches had similar love for their brethren -
1Co 16:15; 1Th 4:9-10 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. We are to love one another fervently - 1Pe 1:22 2. In dire circumstances, would we be willing to emulate the early disciples? - cf. 1Jn 3:16-17 [While we may not face the same circumstances, we should prepare ourselves should similar occasions arise. *** As we continue examining the first church of Christ, we notice that they were...] VI. DEVOTED TO DAILY SERVICE (Ac 2:46) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Note the phrase "continuing daily" 2. They did not serve the Lord just one day a week 3. Perhaps it was "daily service" that resulted in "daily additions" - cf. Ac 2:47; 5:42 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. Serving the Lord every day of the week? 2. Including serving one another? - cf. He 3:12-14 [A true New Testament church will emulate the first church of Christ with daily service among its members. Consider also that the Jerusalem church was...] VII. DEVOTED TO PURPOSEFUL UNITY (Ac 2:46) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Note the phrase "with one accord" 2. United in their worship, and in their concern - cf. Ac 4:32 3. The sort of unity for which Jesus prayed - Jn 17:20-23 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. The unity the apostles worked diligently to maintain? -
1Co 1:10; Ep 4:1-3; Php 2:1-2; 1Pe 3:8 2. Oneness of mind, purpose, and work, with a joyful and humble attitude? [A true church of Christ will work hard to fulfill the prayer of Christ and maintain the unity of the Spirit. Another observation about the devotion of the first church of Christ...] VIII. DEVOTED TO JOYFUL SIMPLICITY (Ac 2:46) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Note the phrase "with gladness and simplicity of heart" 2. The word "simplicity" involves "humility associated with simplicity of life" - Louw Nida 3. Likely reflecting their contentment with what they had - cf. 1Ti 6:6-10 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. Having learned contentment like Paul had? - Php 4:11-12 2. A contentment based on trust in God and willingness to share? - cf. 1Ti 6:17-19 [A true church of Christ will consist of members, whether rich or poor, who go about their lives with joyful simplicity. They will also go about their lives like the first church of Christ, being...] IX. DEVOTED TO PRAISING GOD (Ac 2:47) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Despite their difficulties, they lived their lives praising God 2. Like the faithful saints under the Old Covenant - Ps 145:1-2; 146:1-2; 147:1 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. Delighting in opportunities to praise God? 2. Offering the sacrifice of praise continually? - cf. He 13:15 [A true church of Christ will be filled with people who love to praise God, not grumbling or complaining. Finally, we observe that the first church of Christ was...] X. DEVOTED TO PLEASING PEOPLE (Ac 2:47) A. REGARDING THEIR DEVOTION... 1. Note the phrase "having favor with all the people" 2. As the NLT puts it, "enjoying the goodwill of all the people" 3. A consequence of following the example of their Lord - e.g., Lk 2:52; Ro 14:17-19 B. DO WE HAVE THIS DEVOTION...? 1. Living lives that promotes goodwill from those who are lost? 2. Lives that as far as depends on us are peaceful and blameless? - cf. Ro 12:17-21; 1Co 10:32-33; 1Ti 2:1-4; Php 2:14-15 CONCLUSION 1. With the first church of Christ, God has given us an example of what a true church of Christ should be like: devoted to... a. Apostles' doctrine f. Daily service b. Spiritual fellowship g. Purposeful unity c. Breaking bread h. Joyful simplicity d. Steadfast prayer i. Praising God e. Brotherly love j. The people 2. Too often, churches today are more like those described in the following poem... "FACTS 19:71-72" Every individual Each with his own opinions. Competing for his own possessions Looks out for his own, Assuming there are no needs. And once a week Going to their private church (With an annual communion) Each return to his castle, Fellowshipping with his family Over good "native" cooking After a short silent "grace", And glad to be away from everybody. Occasionally there are New faces at church, And last year Someone was saved. ~ Myron Augsburger Brethren, may this never be true of us...! *** Conclude first part here if lesson is presented in two parts
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