October 5, 2013



The famous Irish poet and playwright, Nobel Prize winner, Seamus Heaney, died recently. What prize did he not win? Google him and see for yourself. I’m not competent to judge the structure and depth of great poets but I know what I like; I know what moves, inspires and enriches me and much of the little I’ve read of him did just that.
Some years back he adapted a play of Sophocles ("Philoctetes"). The central character is Philoctetes, a Greek hero who possessed a charmed bow and arrows given to him by Hercules. On the island of Lemnos a serpent bit him and his foot began to rot. The intolerable pain made him scream all the time and the stench from the foot became unbearable to those around him so they deserted him. He endured ten years of loneliness, pain and the anguish of betrayal. Days became weeks, weeks became months and months became years and hope of rescue faded as his bitterness grew.

But an oracle told the Greeks they couldn't take Troy without the bow of Philoctetes so they went back to ask him if he would go with them. His years of disappointed hope were over and when he emptied himself of the bitterness that had built up inside him the cripple marched off with them to glory.

Heaney puts these words in the mouths of the chorus at the end of the play:
           History forbids us to hope this side of the grave. But once in a lifetime, the longed-for tide of justice can arise and hope and history rhyme.
With Northern Ireland as its setting, with its long history of feuds and killings, dashed hopes, treachery and unfulfilled promises, Heaney's call was well contextualized. Don't cease to hope for one day hope and history will rhyme and crippled truths will walk!  [To a marked degree that has indeed happened in Northern Ireland.]
Much of history is humdrum. When isolated and seen as a long series of independent happenings it is meaningless! Much of it forbids us to hope any side of the grave. Some biblical history [isolated or thrown together] shares this feature since it too shares a God-denying look as much of modern daily living does.
Not every event recorded in the Bible is filled with theological significance but here and there, an event or a cluster of events seizes our attention and God has reached from behind the curtain of his hiddenness and in these events we catch a glimpse of him. And once we've seen him we can't unsee him. In light of those events the entire history of humanity is given a different complexion.
The Exodus shoves the curtain aside and generations live in the strength of that vision. The Incarnation catches us by the breath and the Cross of the Christ drives us to joyful amazement. Paul, on whom the shadow of the cross fell, was driven, careering off across half a world to proclaim triumph and hope in the name of the God who was hung on a public gallows. And when friendly hands would try to slow Paul down, telling him to take it easy, he would shrug them off and say: "I can't be different, the love of Christ compels me and the world needs hope." (2 Corinthians 5:14)
And it doesn't matter that we moderns hang Christ again and again, thinking we've got rid of him, he's been there and done that!
Christ can't be harmed by crucifixion.
In fact there's every reason to believe that he is never as powerful as he is when he's weak so to crucify him over again is in some ways to turn him loose on society.
Even to watch him die (as, for example, when we seriously trouble the church, which is his body—2 Corinthians 4:7-12) is to put ourselves in danger of being drawn to him because he said when he was "lifted up from the earth" he would draw all men unto him [John 12:32].
The mourning and lamentation [and in some quarters, almost panic] about the dwindling number of believers is pathetic in many ways. Believers, don't you know, aren’t to be excused when they turn from the Lord Jesus [either in an overt act of rejection or in the more subtle loss of spirit that wishes Jesus well but cares little to run the race with and for him and the world he so loves]. The Church of Jesus Christ has been called to be a faithful steward of the gospel but its weakness won’t lead God to vanish in a puff of purple smoke.
There’s always that cross...that strange cross.
And then there’s always that Sunday morning: “Good morning!” [Matthew 28:9]
One day history and the Christian hope will rhyme and nail-pierced Truth will walk.
©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.
Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com.

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