February 11, 2014

From Gary... And then there is "Stinky"

 From Wikipedia....
A porcupine is any of 29 species of rodent belonging to the families Erethizontidae (genera: Coendou, Sphiggurus, Erethizon, Echinoprocta, and Chaetomys) or Hystricidae (genera: Atherurus, Hystrix, and Trichys).....

The two subfamilies of New World porcupines are mostly smaller (although the North American Porcupine reaches about 85 cm or 33 in in length and 18 kg or 40 lb), have their quills attached singly rather than grouped in clusters, and are excellent climbers, spending much of their time in trees.....  Porcupines have a relatively high longevity and had held the record for being the longest-living rodent,[11] until it was recently broken by the naked mole rat.[12]....

Porcupines: I really didn't intend to put anything on the blog about them; and then along came the above video.  This video was a surprise to me, for the only experience I have ever had with these little guys was a second-hand one.  When I was about eight or nine, I remember my father shooting one of dogs because they had thousands upon thousands of porcupine quills embedded in them.  I remember this happening, but not all the details- just that the dog was in intense agony and shooting it was an act of mercy.  So, to see a porcupine acting like a puppy, well, I don't really have a word beyond surprise- if I did, it would apply (absolutely)!!!  This little "puppy" reminded me of something in the Scriptures, something wonderful- a serendipity, in point of fact....
Acts, Chapter 9
26 When Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join himself to the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple.  27 But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how at Damascus he had preached boldly in the name of Jesus.
Saul had become a Christian by God's grace, but he had been such an ardent persecutor of the church, it is no wonder that the disciples were afraid of him!!!  His reputation preceded him!!!  But, if porcupines can do the unexpected, then people can really change as well!!!  But, be careful in what you think and what you do- Notice, the handler in the video was wear very, very thick GLOVES!!!!
and then there is that thing about the word "surprise". Nothing seems to really fit.  However, there are candidates- Revelation, amaze, astonish, stupefy, flabbergast and dumbfound are the best candidates.  Somehow, the word "WOW" just keeps coming to my mind...  If you think of a better one, let me know....

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