February 25, 2016

From Mark Copeland... "THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW" Chapter Seventeen

                        "THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW"

                           Chapter Seventeen

The events recorded in this chapter begin with Jesus transfigured on the
mountain (1-13), referenced to later by Peter in his epistle (2Pe
1:16-18).  Afterward Jesus healed a demon-possessed boy when His
disciples were unable due to a lack of faith and prayer (14-21).  Back
in Galilee, Jesus once again predicted His death and resurrection
(22-23).  Upon arriving in Capernaum, Jesus expounded on the payment of
the temple tax (24-27).


   *  The significance of the transfiguration

   *  The reason for the failure of a miracle


1) What are the main points of this chapter?
   - The transfiguration of Jesus Christ - Mt 17:1-13
   - Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy - Mt 17:14-21
   - Jesus again predicts His death and resurrection - Mt 17:22-23
   - The payment of taxes - Mt 17:24-27

2) When was Jesus transfigured on the mount? (1)
   - After six days of saying some would not die before seeing Him
     coming in His kingdom (cf. Mt 16:28; Mk 9:1-2; Lk 9:27-28)

3) Who appeared when Jesus was transfigured?  What might they represent?
   - Moses and Elijah; the Law and the Prophets

4) What did the voice from the cloud say about Jesus?  What might it
   indicate? (5)
   - "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.  Hear Him!"
   - That Jesus would have priority over the Law and the Prophets

5) When were the disciples to tell others what they had seen? (9)
   - Not until Jesus had risen from the dead

6) Who did Jesus say had come?  Who had fulfilled that prophecy? (10-13)
   - Elijah (cf. Mal 4:5); John the Baptist

7) Why were the disciples unable to heal the demon-possessed boy? (19-21)
   - Because of their lack of faith and prayer

8) What did Jesus predict for the second time to His disciples? (22-23)
   - His betrayal, death, and resurrection from the dead

9) Did Jesus teach His disciples to pay taxes?  How did He pay the tax?
   - Yes (cf. Mt 22:15-22); by having Peter catch a fish with a coin in
     its mouth

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2015

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