August 10, 2016

"THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS" Chapter Eight by Mark Copeland

                      "THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS"

                             Chapter Eight

Having demonstrated Jesus’ superiority to prophets, angels, Moses, and
Levi, the author summarizes: we have a High Priest at God’s right hand
who is Minister and Mediator of a better covenant established on better
promises (1-6).   Our attention is then directed toward that New
Covenant which has replaced the Old Covenant (7-13).


   *  The main point of all that has been said:  "We have such a High

   *  The two covenants (the first and old, replaced by the second and


1) What are the main points of this chapter?
   - The new ministry of Christ - He 8:1-6
   - The new covenant of Christ - He 8:7-13

2) Where is our High Priest?  In what does He minister? (1-2)
   - Seated at the right hand of God; the sanctuary and true tabernacle
     build by God

3) If Jesus were on earth, what could He not be? (4)
   - A priest

4) What served as a copy and shadow of the true tabernacle? (5)
   - The earthly tabernacle Moses was instructed to build

5) In what way has Jesus obtained a more excellent ministry? (6)
   - He is the Mediator of a better covenant, established on better

6) Why was it necessary to replace the first covenant with the second?
   - The first was not faultless; there was fault with those under the

7) Which covenant was the first, old covenant? (9)
   - That made with Israel when God led them out of Egypt (i.e., Mosaic

8) List characteristics of God’s new covenant foretold by Jeremiah.
   - God’s laws will be in their minds and written on their hearts
   - He will be their God, and they shall be His people
   - None shall teach his neighbor to know the Lord, for all will know
   - He will be merciful, and remember their sins no more

9) With the new covenant, what happened to the old covenant? (13)
   - It had been made obsolete, old, and ready to vanish away

Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016

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