September 17, 2018

There is No Escaping God by Alfred Shannon Jr.

Introduction:  As Christians, we live under the false concept that everyone wants to find God. However, many are running away, and avoiding God at all cost. They need Him, and would be better off with Him, but they don’t know Him or want Him. Some people are afraid of an all powerful, and all knowing God. The Psalmist David describes his own futile attempt to run away from God . In the end, he finds out there is no escape from our creator, and instead of resisting God, he embraced Him.
I.    There’s no escape—God Knows Too Much.    Job 34:21,22
A.    He knows everywhere we GO.   Ps 139:2; Jer 23:23,24
B.    He knows everything we SAY   Ps 139:4
C.    He knows everything we THINK.   Jer 17:10; Heb 4:12
D.    He knows everything we DO.   Ps 10:11
This scares many, but consider this: If we are going where God wants us to go, thinking what God want us to think, saying what God wants us to say, and doing what God wants us to do, we would be so relived that God is our witness, and our rewarder. John 3:21; Heb 10:30
II.    There’s no escape—God Is Everywhere.
A.    If we go as far up as heaven, or as far down as hell we will never escape God. Ps 139:8
B.    If we dwell among the stars, we will not escape God. Obad 4
C.    If we retreat to utter darkness, we will not escape God. Ps 139:12
How often are we in peril, and call out to the Lord for help. Whether we soar the sky in a plane, discover the open road in a car, sail the ocean deep on a ship, or even shuttle to the moon, what a comfort to know that God knows where we are at all times. How comforting to know God is there to protect us, comfort us, rescue usPs 61:2
III.    There’s escape—God’s The Only One Who Can Help Us.
A.    Rather than hiding from God, say “Search me.”  Ps 139:23
B.    Rather than avoiding God, say, “Try me.”  Ps 139:23
C.    Rather than resisting God, say, “Lead me.” Ps 139:24
D.    Rather than directing God, say, ”Guide me.”  Ps 31:3
The more wise we get in life, the more we discover that there is no way to hide, avoid or resist God. Alive or dead, God is waiting for us. How wonderful to know that when we allow God to lead us, try us, search us, and guide us, God is ready, willing and able to perform. Rom 4:21; 1 Thess 5:24; 2 Tim 1:12
IV.   It is comforting to know—God Is Not Far From Us    Acts 17:27
A.    Those who ask, seek and knockFind Him  Mt 7: 7,8; Jer 29:13
B.    Christians who pray to Him— Answered by Him   1 Pet 3:12; Jn 9:31
C.    Sinners ready to change their ways—Saved by Him    Isa.59:1,2; Rom 10:13
Conclusion: If we do well, we will be accepted, but if we do evil, sin dwells at the door. Gen 4:7 Cain could not escape God, and neither can we. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the beginning of our obedience to God. Ps 11:10; Eccl 12:13  Yes, God created all, knows all, and will punish all who disobey him, but he also rewards all who obey him. Rev 4:11; Acts 15:18; Rev 20:12-15; 2 Cor 5:10,11; Heb 11:6 The Lord is our Shepherd. He leads us, restores us, and His staff comforts us. How happy are we who dwell in His presence continually, who abide in the House of the Lord, forever. Ps 23; Ps 122:1; Ps 32:11

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