January 21, 2019

Knowledge That Gives Understanding! by EE Healy


Knowledge That Gives Understanding!

As I reach out into the community about me, I have opportunity to bring the good news message to different people. One reaction I have received from time to time is that of someone having never read the Bible; some people don't even own a Bible. Their concept of Christianity or its principles is based only upon what someone has said or taught them from childhood.

There is good news in the Gospel. It is not just the words in the Bible, but it is what those words are saying and what they represent. The Gospel is the Living Word of God as declared in the person of Jesus Christ. He is our example for living a life with hope. The Gospel is living the word of God in our lives as instructed by the Holy Spirit through the apostles. When I respond to the Gospel I am making Christ the master of my life. As Paul said so many times in his letters, he viewed himself as being a bond-servant to Jesus Christ.

God's words are very important, but just having knowledge of the Bible will not change a life to be Christ-like. I must understand the life of and in those words, then live it in my own life.

The Bible is God speaking to me that I might come to know Him, the only True and Living God. Yes, God's Word has life in it because it deals with the good news of true life in Christ Jesus.

God's words are very important for me to know, to understand and most of all to live. In God's word is revealed the meaning and purpose of life. It is very important that I know and understand what God reveals to me and how He wants me to live according to His word.

We should not just pass on the ideas of Christianity to others. We should encourage personal study, understanding, and most of all personal living of God's word in our lives.

2 Tim 2:14-16 Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. (NIV)

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