October 21, 2019

Context by Edward E. Healy


It is very important when reading the Bible that CONTEXT is always observed.  Like reading any other book or letter the context will be the ground on which the framework of the writing will build understanding and insight into the writer’s thoughts and purpose. One of the greatest tragedies is taking words and thoughts out of context. When this is done, the true meaning and purpose for what was written is distorted.  When truth is distorted, a false understanding is the result. In reading the Bible we must understand that it is the inspired word of God. God revealed through inspiration via the Holy Spirit to the writers of the Scriptures His Eternal Purpose and Plan for all creation and how He has planned and carried out the redemption of mankind. Each book, chapter and verse of the Bible has a context. Basic language skills need to be applied. Who, what, when, where, why and how questions must always set the stage for proper exegesis. Failure to keep any scripture passage in the proper context will result in a false conclusion. Our religious world has been plagued with false conclusions, false understanding and false teaching resulting in many different churches and religious groups. This condition causes confusion and divisions. Remember, read and understand the scriptures in context. God is not the author of confusion. 

Edward E. Healy

The Abiding Word 

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