June 28, 2021

Precious by Gary Rose

 Harold Ogilbee ( 2012 picture )

Unlike most days, today’s post did not begin with a picture; that came later. Rather, it began with a phone call and the news; Harold is dead. I didn’t say anything at first, I just couldn’t speak. Funny, I don’t remember a great deal of the conversation after the news; I was shocked at the news of his death.

Harold Ogilbee was an older brother in Christ; in his late seventies I think. He had driven a tractor trailer most of his life and so had spent a lot of time away from home. However, he was blessed by a wife that loved the LORD and did everything she could to raise her children to be faithful Christians. Her efforts proved to be successful, for her efforts even turned Harold to the LORD. And, as long as I have known him ( a little more than a decade, think ) Harold has remained faithful.

A great man is not truly measured by his intellect, talents or accomplishments, but rather by how much he is loved by others. All the things that the world holds to be of importance- power, riches, beauty, accomplishments and intellect; these fade, but LOVE abides forever. Harold loved God and his brethren and that love was returned by those who knew him.

The Bible says…

Psalm 116 ( World English Bible )

15 Precious in the sight of Yahweh is the death of his saints.

I loved Harold. He was ( is ) my brother, my friend and a shining example of what a Christian should be. The Scripture says that those who die in the LORD ( saints ) are precious. I never told Harold he was “precious”; I wish I had.

See you later Harold! “I love you- deal with it”


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