Why Is Denominationalism Wrong?
- While many people are attracted to the good news of the grace of God offered through His Son Jesus Christ, certain questions often linger in their minds...
- Why are there so many different denominations?
- Can't the followers of Jesus Christ learn to get along?
- What can be done about the religious division that exists today?
- Is it possible for me to be simply a Christian, following Jesus without being a member of any denomination?
- In reply to these questions, some make an effort to discount the significance of religious division, suggesting...
- That the differences are not all that great
- Or that religious division is good, for it enables people to find a church that suits them personally
- In this series of lessons, I have several objectives in mind...
- To explain why denominationalism is wrong
- To illustrate how one can simply be a Christian, serving Jesus without being a member of any denomination
- To suggest how followers of Christ might be able "to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" - cf. Ep 4:3
- In this lesson, I wish to explain...
- Why denominationalism is wrong
- Why anyone who truly follows Christ will do all they can to avoid participating in it
[First, perhaps a definition of terms is in order...]
- According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English
"A large group of religious congregations united under a common faith and name and organized under a single administrative and legal hierarchy."
- From Webster's:
"A religious organization uniting in a single legal and administrative body a number of local congregations."
- In simple laymen terms, a denomination is a group of congregations that are joined together under some governing body...
- The number of congregations can be as few as two or more
- But by their tie to a governing body above the local congregation, by definition they are "denominated" from all congregations that do not submit to the same authority
- Some examples:
- The Roman Catholic Church is a denomination made up of those churches that submit to the pope in Rome
- The Eastern Orthodox Church is a denomination made up of those churches that submit to the patriarch of Constantinople
- The Anglican Church of England is a denomination made up of those churches that submit to the archbishop of Cantebury
- The Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) is made up of those churches that submit to the synod in Missouri
- The International Church of Christ is made up of those churches that submit to the Boston Church of Christ
- According to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, it is:
- "The tendency to separate into religious denominations"
- "Advocacy of separation into religious denominations"
- "Strict adherence to a denomination; sectarianism"
- Again, Webster's dictionary defines it as:
- "Devotion to denominational principles or interests"
- "Narrow emphasizing of denominational differences: SECTARIANISM"
- For the purpose in this series, I will be applying the term to any approval of the denominational division which exists today
- I concede that many people in denominations today are not all that devoted to their denominational principles or interests
- But by membership in a denomination they are by implication advocating separation into religious denominations
- That is, it is without Scriptural support
- There is no basis in the Bible for local churches being divided up into various denominational bodies
- There is no denomination that can go to the Bible and say, "See that passage? There is our church (denomination)!"
- In the New Testament...
- Local congregations were independent, self-governing
- Church organization was limited to within the local congregation, with elders (also known as pastors, bishops, overseers, presbyters) appointed to oversee only the congregation of which they were members - cf. Ac 20:17,28; 1Pe 5:1-2
- The only authority above the local church in the New Testament was Christ and His apostles...
- Once the church began, apostles were not replaced after they died
- But through the Word of God, the authority of Christ and His apostles continues
- Individuals, synods, conferences, etc., that presume to usurp authority over local congregations today do so without Scriptural authority
- I.e., not only is it without scriptural support, it is contrary to what the Bible teaches
- It is contrary to the prayer of Jesus for unity among His believers - Jn 17:20-23
- It is condemned by Paul in his epistle to the church at Corinth
- There are to be no divisions among believers - 1Co 1:10-13
- Sectarianism is a sign of carnality - 1Co 3:3-4
- It opposes the efforts of Christ on the cross! - Ep 2:14-16
- Jesus died to break down the wall of division
- Jesus died to reconcile man to God in ONE body
- Jesus knew that unity among His disciples would be "the final apologetic"
- Cf. "that the world may believe" - Jn 17:21
- In view of Jesus' words, we should not be surprised when unbelievers are slow to accept the gospel coming from a divided church
- Many people point to the divided condition of those professing to follow Christ...
- Atheists and agnostics often use religious division as an excuse not to believe in God
- Adherents to non-Christian religions (such as Islam, Judaism, etc.) will often use denominationalism as a reason not to believe in Christ
- Denominationalism has also given support and encouragement to the cults
- Mormonism started in reaction to the denominationalism of Joseph Smith's day
- Those who call themselves "Jehovah's Witnesses" use religious division to encourage people to follow their strictly-controlled organization
- From Martin Luther, the leader of the Reformation Movement:
"I ask that men make no reference to my name, and call themselves not Lutherans, but Christians. What is Luther? My doctrine, I am sure, is not mine, nor have I been crucified for any one. St. Paul, in 1 Cor. 3, would not allow Christians to call themselves Pauline or Petrine, but Christian. How then should I, poor, foul carcass that I am, come to have men give to the children of Christ a name derived from my worthless name? No, no, my dear friends; let us abolish all party names, and call ourselves Christians after Him Whose doctrine we have." - Hugh Thomason Kerr, A Compend of Luther's Theology (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1943, p. 135)
- From John Wesley, another great reformation leader, among
whose followers are Methodists, Wesleyans, etc.:
"Would to God that all party names, and unscriptural phrases and forms which have divided the Christian world, were forgot and that the very name [Methodist] might never be mentioned more, but be buried in eternal oblivion." - John Wesley, Universal Knowledge, A Dictionary and Encyclopedia of Arts, Science, History, Biography, Law, Literature, Religions, Nations, Races, Customs, and Institutions, Vol. 9, Edward A. Pace, Editor (New York: Universal Knowledge Foundation, 1927, p. 540)
- From Charles Spurgeon, one of the greatest Baptist preachers
who ever lived:
"I look forward with pleasure to the day when there will not be a Baptist living! I hope that the Baptist name will soon perish, but let Christ's name last forever." - Spurgeon Memorial Library, Vol. I., p. 168
[But is denominationalism really all that bad? Am I suggesting that
one cannot serve Christ faithfully while participating in religious
division? The answer to both questions is "Yes!"
To understand the reason for saying this, let's examine...]
- Well, that day has not yet come, and denominationalism with its religious division seems to be as strong as ever!
- But all is not lost...
- For throughout the world, more and more people are throwing aside their denominational shackles
- They are following Jesus Christ in the freedom of gospel liberty that comes from being simply a Christian!
- And what may be a surprise to some, they are able to do so "being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind" - cf. Php 2:2
- How is this possible?
- That is what I hope to demonstrate starting with the next lesson
- But it begins with two things:
- A strong desire to follow Jesus Christ and His prayer for unity - cf. Jn 17:20-23
- An understanding of the carnal nature of division, and why denominationalism is wrong - cf. 1Co 3:3-4
Dear friend, don't you want to be simply a Christian, a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ...?
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2022
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