November 9, 2020

THE SERPENT DECEIVED ME by steve finnell

THE SERPENT DECEIVED ME  by steve finnell

What is the difference between Eve and contemporary believers in God who believe false doctrine? The difference is Eve said "The serpent deceived me". Contemporary believer not only will not admit they have been deceived, but endeavor to deceive others. Eve gave in to pride and was deceived by Satan, then she repented and admitted she was deceived.(Genesis 3:1-13)

There are few in today's world that will admit they have been deceived by Satan and then repent.

There are many who believe that being immersed in water is not essential for the forgiveness of sins, however, there are few that will say,  "The serpent deceived me". (Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-7, Mark 16:16)

There are many who believe it is not worship nor a sin to pray to the Virgin Mary, the Pope, and other dead saints, however, there are few who will say, "The serpent deceived me". (Matthew 4:10)

There are many who believe that popes, priests, and preachers can forgive men of their sins, however, there are few who will say, "The serpent deceived me". (Mark 2:7)

There are many who believe that there are many Saviors who can assure them a trip to heaven, however, there are few who will say, "The serpent deceived me". (John 14:6, Acts 4:10-12, John 8:24)

There are many who believe once you are saved from the penalty of sin you can never be lost, however, there are few who will say, "The serpent deceived me". (Galatians 5:1-4, 1 Timothy 4:1-3, Hebrews 6:4-8)

There are many who believe that men are saved by grace alone and have no responsibility to obey the gospel, however, there are few who will say, "The serpent deceived me". (Acts 5:32, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Romans 2:8, 1 Peter 4:17)

Until men admit they have been deceived by Satan there will be no repentance taking place.

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